la 27-07-2022 08:59 AM
la 28-07-2022 06:39 PM
la 28-07-2022 06:39 PM
la 25-01-2023 10:43 AM
hi my friend meet the same problem, and now i can't find any signal, could you pls help me?
la 25-01-2023 04:13 PM
Can you be more specific and give us some details? Yoxo (the app) has some known issues and it would be good if the Moderators would know if is a specific problem or a general one.
la 28-07-2022 07:05 PM
la 28-07-2022 07:13 PM
la 20-08-2022 11:07 PM
la 22-08-2022 11:24 AM
la 22-08-2022 08:13 PM
la 22-08-2022 08:44 PM
la 29-08-2022 05:12 PM
la 29-08-2022 05:23 PM
la 29-08-2022 05:30 PM
la 25-01-2023 11:49 AM
Laurence, welcome to Orange Community!
If your friend's situation does not involve checking the personal account, you can ask him/ her to post a question here and the other members will help him/ her with answers.
@Orange Romania S.A. 2025
Cod unic de înregistrare: 9010105
Numar inregistrare Registrul Comertului: J40/10178/1996
Sediul social: Clădirea Tandem, Strada Matei Millo, nr.5, Sector 1, Bucuresti
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